Plant Reproduction

Test a Leaf for Starch

meet me halfway

object width="480" height="400" id="muzuplayer-blackeyedpeas-1258401352048" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0">
Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway on MUZU.


JC Ecology

Digestion and food test powerpoint


light test good luck!


Photosynthesis powerpoint

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Plant Transport

Plant Transport



The Structure of the Flowering Plant powerpoint

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Structure of the Flowering Plant

  1. Give
    the names of the labelled parts







  1. Fill in the blanks

    The ______anchors the plant in the ground. The root absorbs _________ and

_______ from the soil. The stem holds up the ________. It transports water and minerals from the ______ to the _______. Leaves make ______ using _______ and CO2, in a process called _______________. Leaves also allow ______ to pass in and out.
Their function in transpiration is to allow _____________ out of the plant. Flowers allow the plant to ____________ by attracting insects for pollination. All parts of the plant can be used to store ____.
An example of plants storing food in their roots is ________.
An example of plants storing food in their stems is ________.
An example of plants storing food in their leaves is ________.
An example of plants storing food in their flowers is ________.
An example of a plant that is not a flowering plant is___________.
Seeds are enclosed in ________ in the flowering plant.

  1. True or False.

The roots absorb minerals from the soil. True/False
The leaves of the plant make sugar. True/False
Flowers are always brightly coloured. True/False
Food is absorbed by the roots of the plant. True/False
CO2 is taken in by the leaves and O2 is released by the leaves. True/False
Potatoes store their food in their stems. True/False

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